Trump's election

Publié le par Charlyne

Today let's talk about Trump's election. 
Even if we haven't talk about this in class I think that's a good topic and we can do a link with the segregation during the 50's. 
Everybody knows that Trump was elected by Americans this year precisly November, 9th, everybody was schoked by this, but we must underline the fact that Americans wanted to have Trump to the government, I think that it's absurd to want this crazy man as president, so be it, he is the president of US... (To do a link with the notion of media, we must be unbiased even if it's my blog.) 
Why have I chose this video? 
First of all, this video was during few week in the social networks, and I think that this video wants to denonce the Trump's speech.
The title of this video is "The Good Old Days", these words were used by Trump and they make react some people who want to create videos with old pictures or videos of segregation during de 50's. When I saw this video, I was perturbed, and schoked by the violence inflicted to black people... and I have asked to myself, how did americans accepted this mad man ? We have the same phenomenon in France with Le Pen, I don't understand this type of people who vote for them.  
To my mind, videos and pictures show the reality of the violence that we can do to another human for whatever reason, if he is black, he is "red", he is "yellow", he is gay, it shows the stupidity of human. We have also, musics (as Strange Fruit), books etc... But people can think that it was created by the imagination we haven't the reality, but we can't contradict pictures, videos... 
Although the question remains unanswered : Is he able to do everything he said during his speech ? 
To my mind, I think so, but I would like to haven't reason. 
In any case, this way of thinking is absurd

We are all humans... We are equal

We are all humans... We are equal

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